Christian Education
Under the authority of session, the Christian Education Committee is responsible for faith formation, and the encouragement of lifelong learning for all ages within the congregation. The committee has specific oversight of the following areas of congregational ministry:
• discipleship programs for children, youth and adults, including Church School, Vacation Bible School, Bible study for individuals and groups, and occasional programming of lectures and seminars
• Archives
• Nursery
Session Members: Nancy Stepien (Convener), Karen Bellamy
Member-at-large: Deb Nash Chambers
Congregational Life
Under the authority of session, the Congregational Life Committee is responsible for the nurturing and encouragement of fellowship within the congregation. The committee has specific oversight of the following areas of congregational ministry:
•Organize Ministry of Welcome at Knox -- coffee hour after worship
• Facilitate the organization of fellowship events
• Written contributions to the Knox Newsletter advertising fellowship events
• Written contributions to the Knox Website advertising fellowship events and giving feedback on past events
Session Members: Wendy Darroch (Convener), Nancy Dickieson
Members-at-large: Heather Sanderson, Elspeth Singh
Under the authority of session, and in consultation with the minister(s), the Worship Committee is responsible for matters relating to worship, including the administration of the Sacraments. The committee has specific oversight of the following areas of congregational ministry:
• preparation for the sacraments
• use of the sanctuary
• admission of new members
• worship calendar
• organize ushers
• advertising of services
• music program and appointment of music director
• operation of the sound system during services
Session Members: Rev. Cathy Stewart (Interim Convener), Carrie Gordon
Members-at-large: Bill Nicholson
Human Resources
Under the authority of session, the Human Resources Committee is responsible for the management of all lay persons employed by the congregation in paid full- or part-time positions. The committee has specific oversight of the following:
• Oversight of congregational employees, including job descriptions, annual evaluation and disciplinary protocols
• Converse with provincial and federal employment regulations and ensuring compliance
• Engagement of contract staff as appropriate
• Health and safety compliance per Employment Safety Act
Session Members: Joanne Martin (Convener); Tom Stinson, Linda Moore
Mission & Outreach
Under the authority of session the Mission Committee is responsible for Mission education and promotion, and for the congregation’s social outreach programs.The committee has specific oversight of the following areas of ministry:
• Presbyterians Sharing
• Presbyterian World Service & Development
• Organizing mission events
• Organizing fund raising efforts for mission including Lenten offering
• Overseeing the congregation’s participation in collaborative social outreach initiatives with neighboring congregations, such as CORE.
Session Members: (Rachel Fishback (Convener); Mel McGurrin
Members-at-large: Kyla Poirier
Under the authority of session the Property Committee has responsibility for the care and maintenance of the congregation’s property and church facilities. The committee has specific oversight of the following areas of ministry:
• custodial needs
• ensuring that the church facility meets accepted standards of safety
• maintaining the sanctuary sound and lighting systems
• maintenance and oversight of the security system
• development and maintenance of fire safety, emergency, and evacuation procedures
• policy and recommendations re access to church facilities by outside users.
• liaison with the City of Guelph on issues which will have an impact on the Church or access to it
Session Members: David Hough (Convener), Phil Gordon
Members-at-large: Ray Funnell, Tony Fishback
Under the authority of session the Finance Committee has responsibility for all aspects of the congregation’s financial stewardship. The committee has specific oversight of the following areas of ministry:
• oversight of the congregational treasurer and the bookkeeper
• preparation and oversight of the annual budget, including monitoring revenue and expenses
• organize counting teams including Assistant Treasurers and counters
• appoint internal accountants
• arrange for internal audits to be conducted
• overseeing special funds liaise with Endowment Committee as appropriate
Session Members: Lisa Hough (Convener), Werner Kuemmling
Members-at-large: Dean Kelley
Long Term Planning
An ongoing function of Session, planning for the future
Session Members: Bruce Wilson (Convener), Brian Redpath
Ex-officio: Herb Gale.
Joanne Martin
Roll Clerk:
Clerk of Session:
Nancy Stepien